In 2009 AB Medica Group, following its long-term...
ArieLAB Srl si costituisce come spin-off dell’Università...
Homelab è un Consorzio italiano di ricerca sulla...
Genera è una società consortile a responsabilità...
IDEA is an engineering company for integrated design and...
L’INRCA, in quanto Istituto a Carattere Scientifico,...
ISELQUI TECHNOLOGY si propone al mercato offrendo un...
JEF is a consulting firm operating in the advanced...
Laboratorio delle idee s.r.l. si occupa di formazione in...
Leaff is a young Italian company dealing with DSP and...
We are a young university, with a professional teaching...
Acme Lab srl is an innovative start-up founded in 2014...
ADiTech S.r.l - Advanced Digital Technologies was...
In AIDAPT vengono realizzate soluzioni ad alto valore...
AV Consulting è una sociatà di consulenza...
Cantiere Rossini is a new shipyard dedicated to the...
Comunica.Meta is a company active in the...
CONFAPI ANCONA is the Association of small and medium-...
Since 1944 Confindustria Ancona represents the...
Confindustria Macerata is a free and voluntary...
Since 1970 the Federation of Industrialists of the...
COOSS Marche is a Social Cooperative that works for the...
DowSee is a R&D Company, former spin off of the...
Fincantieri is one of the most important shipbuilding...
FM Architettura d’Interni was created in 2009 by...
Frenexport is a company that operates in the music...
Private Shipping Management G.s.p.
KORG is a multinational company operating in the field...
Labirinto Cooperativa Sociale operates...
Logical System Group is a leading software house in the...
Promotion, activation and coordination of innovation in...
The Microtekna S.r.l.
Net 4 Partners is a consulting company, founded in 2012...
Palumbo Superyachts specializes in the production,...
SailADV was founded in 2015 by the strong experience...
SICA ALTOPARLANTI SRL was born in 1979, in a territorial...
SpeechVillage - voice factory - founded in 2004, has...
Massari (formerly Studio Massari) has been dealing with...
Swapp Technologies is an innovative startup born in 2019...
TEAM ITALIA was founded in 2000 as a supplier of on-...
If today the University of Camerino represents one of...
Founded in 1290, the University of Macerata - among the...
The University of Urbino Carlo Bo since 1506 produces...
Viscount International is a manufacturer of musical...
Wider is an Italian yacht builder, pioneer of the serial...
WiSense S.r.l.