Subjects of the Marche Region participating in the Cluster Tecnologie per gli Ambienti di Vita (TAV); the MIUR announcement n. 257, 30 May 2012 established them, and then they have been approved by the DD n. 18, 14 December 2012 -  Rankings approval of admitted projects.

The Charter Members are: A TLC s.r.l, Arielab s.r.l., Automa s.r.l., Consorzio Homelab, Genera s.c.a.r.l., IDEA SOC. COOP., IRCCS INRCA, Iselqui s.r.l., JEF s.r.l., Laboratorio delle Idee s.r.l., Leaff s.r.l., Logical System s.r.l., Marche Polytechnic University (Cluster's Coordinator).

Industrial companies and service companies active in Smart Living Technologies, divided in:

  1. Small and Medium Enterprises;
  2. Large Enterprises.
According to the rules of the European Union dividing enterprises depending on their size.


Public and private subjects and Service Centeractive in Smart Living Technologies.

They are not included among the categories mentioned above, they are active in Smart Living Technologies.

Members Composition

Charter Members 40%
Industrial Partners 72%
Research Partners and Innovation Partners 9%
Associate Members 60%